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3 Steps Every Agent Needs To Be Successful in Real Estate And Grow to 7 Figures

The Listings Lab Blog Post Image - 3 Steps To Be Successful in Real Estate and Grow To 7 Figures

Are you wondering what it really takes to be successful in real estate? 

No matter where you’re at, it’s never too late to start growing your career in real estate…and scale it to seven figures.

There is so much potential to be successful in real estate. 

So I want you to know, whether you’re trying to scale your real estate career early on in your life or later in your life …

Now is your time to shine.

Having a sustainable career in real estate offers you an opportunity to take control of your life and make it your own.

But to do that, you have to be willing to truly innovate, invest in yourself, and go where no one else is willing to go.

You have to ask yourself…

Do you want to just do “okay” in life?

Or do you want to do great things? To have a real impact? To look back at your life, five or ten years from now, and think, I really did it!

If you want your life to look like the latter, keep reading to learn about three steps to be successful in real estate, hit seven figures, and grow a business that offers you financial freedom and fulfillment. 

Figure Out Your Why 

Whether you’ve been in real estate for a year, five years, ten years or more the first thing you need to figure out is your why. 

Why are you doing this?

Why is real estate important to you?

Why this business in particular?

Why service? Because at the end of the day, that’s what we’re all here for. You may have different reasons for getting into this industry – in the end, you’re a servant to your people. You’re a servant to your clients. And it takes a certain kind of person to be able to do that.

If your reasons for starting your business are superficial, it’s going to be extremely difficult to be successful in real estate. 

Those who create six and seven-figure real estate businesses have a heart for service. 

But here’s what you need to understand.

You can be a servant and a fire-breathing dragon at the same time.

Being of service is not the same as letting people walk all over you. Being a servant leader and being a badass business owner are two sides of the same coin.

Before you start scaling your real estate business, make sure you figure out the intrinsic reasons you want to make it happen. Forget about the money, success, or prestige. What is going to continually motivate you to serve your people – month after month, year after year?

Once you get that piece down pat, you’re ready to move on to step number two. 

Find The Courage to Show Up 

Especially if you’re starting to feel stuck in your real estate business, it’s likely you might feel like a bit of an imposter.

Maybe you *know* you need to be marketing yourself to bring in leads for your business but it feels like every day, you find a new excuse not to show up and put yourself out there.

I need you to know…

Every single day you let go of a piece of your business without promoting yourself, without showing up and sharing how you can help your clients. At the end of the day, you’re doing yourself, your business, and your family a disservice.

You’re helping no one by playing it small.

People need your services, and they need them badly. You’ve got lives to change!

It’s time to find the courage to show up. 

Every single day you’re not building your audience is a day lost. And when you look back on this time, you’re going to think, I really wish I’d started sooner. 

So today, I challenge you!

Whatever it is you need to do to show up, whatever it is you’re putting off because it feels big and scary and uncomfortable, make a commitment to stop procrastinating and take action.

When you’re building your real estate business, everything is going to feel scary. 

  • Live video is going to feel scary
  • Writing content is going to feel scary
  • Putting ads up is scary

But if you don’t do the hard things, how are your people ever going to find you? How are they going to know that you’re the person that they want to work with? That you’re the person that’s going to change their lives by supporting them through the biggest investment they’re ever going to make? 

It’s your time. 

Every day you stay in your comfort zone is another day you put off building the real estate business of your dreams. You must find the courage to show up and do the hard things if you want to be successful in real estate. 

Focus on Impact

The other day, I talked to one of our members in The Listings Lab who got me absolutely fired up.

She knows the kind of impact she wants to have.

She knows where she’s headed.

She knows the exact ideal client she wants to serve and she deeply connects with them. 

Her story was powerful and she had strong personal motivations for wanting to support her clients, something I can strongly relate to. (So much so that hearing her get so passionate about her mission nearly made me cry!)

Because at the end of the day, human connection is what a career in real estate is all about.

It’s about how you, as one human being, are going to have an impact on the lives of others. 

It’s not just about having hundreds of thousands in the bank or buying yourself a Maserati.

That might be a tiny piece of one of your goals. But ultimately, you need to be able to answer the question, what are you going to leave behind? Who are you going to touch during your life? 

And if you continue to resist building a big, powerful, automated business for yourself, you’re going to have less impact. You’re going to touch fewer people. You’re not going to have that kind of influence on the world.

Building a big, powerful, automated business is the best way to have the maximum impact possible. You’ll be able to touch more lives throughout your time here on earth. 

So go out there and change the world!.

Serve your clients. Do the scary things. Push yourself and see just how capable you are of changing your life. 

In five years, you’ll look back on this moment and think, I’m so glad I decided to choose me. 

Being successful in real estate and hitting the 7-figure mark all comes down to the tiny actions you take each day to work towards that better version of yourself. 

When you show up, get uncomfortable, and don’t shy away from hardship, the reward will be so, so sweet. I promise. 



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