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Need Real Estate Content Ideas? Here Are 5 Strategies To Never Run Out Of Inspiration


Are you struggling to come up with real estate content ideas for social media? 

Do you find yourself staring at a blank page, uninspired and lacking creativity?

We’ve all been there.

But here’s the deal…

Successful real estate agents don’t just WAIT for great content ideas to come to them. Instead, they get proactive and find strategies to come up with endless content ideas. 

Stop waiting to be inspired

Here’s the thing about content creation.

Great real estate content ideas don’t always come to you when you’re sitting at your desk telling yourself you need to create content. 

There are going to be times when you feel totally uninspired. 

But feeling unmotivated doesn’t mean your business should come to a halt. 

Content moves the needle in your business. 

You need to make it a core priority, rather than something you only do when a hit of inspiration strikes. 

Here’s how to make sure you never run out of real estate content ideas.

Create a content bank

Again, my best content ideas never come to me when I’m sitting at my desk telling myself I need to do content now.

They come to me when I’m in the shower.

Or when I’m driving.

Or even right before I’m about to fall asleep.

So what do I do?

I have a ‘content ideas’ section in my iPhone notes where I record ideas as they come to me.

At this point, I’ve probably got a running list of about 500 ideas I could create at any given time. 

This makes content creation effortless.

Whenever I go sit down to create content, I’m never starting from scratch. 

Your Action Item: Start building your content bank. Build up a bank of ideas by writing a note for yourself whenever inspiration strikes. If you want to do this in something like Trello, Airtable, or even just keep it simple and use the notes app on your phone. Whatever works best for you!

Next, all you have to do is watch how much easier content creation becomes when you have all your ideas in one place.

Schedule content time in your calendar

I want you to take a minute and think about all of the things you have scheduled in your calendar. 

I’m willing to bet you’ve got:

  • Client meetings
  • Team meetings
  • Family events
  • Networking time

But do you have time blocked for creating content?

I bet not. 

Content creation is a muscle. It’s a habit. And the more you prioritize it in your schedule, the more you’ll find content ideas flowing to you effortlessly. 

Here’s the mindset shift I want you to make… 

Content is literally one of the #1 things that will move the needle forward in your business.

It needs to become a non-negotiable in your schedule. 

Your Action Item: Decide which day of the week you will dedicate to content. Create a recurring weekly time block in your calendar on this day. This time should be treated like it’s sacred – update your settings so that no one can book meetings that overlap with this time block.  

Get in a new environment 

Personally, sitting at a desk is the last place I feel inspired to create content.

If you find yourself having trouble coming up with real estate content ideas, mixing up your environment might get your creative juices flowing.

Whether you decide to check out that cool neighborhood coffee shop you’ve been eyeing, or even just work from your balcony, you’d be surprised at just how much a simple location change can help you channel your inner content creator. 

Your Action Item: Decide where you’ll work for your content creation time block. Commit to getting out of your office and into an inspiring environment! 

Put on a great playlist 

And last but not least, if you’re still struggling to come up with real estate content ideas, I recommend turning to the power of music. 

Music can create a tremendous amount of change in your brain. 

So if you’re going for a sad story, listen to a sad song. It will help you create that emotion in your writing. 

If you’re trying to make someone feel inspired, listen to an inspirational song. 

Use music to drive the emotion that you’re trying to get across in your content.

Music can help us get in the zone and activate our inner flow state. 

Action Item: Start thinking about what kind of music gets you inspired, and then begin building out your writing playlist! You can also get inspired by others on Spotify.

I really hope this post showed you that coming up with real estate content ideas doesn’t need to be hard or complex…

But it DOES need to be intentional.

I can assure you, if you try blocking off time in your calendar, creating a bank of content so you always have ideas at your fingertips, or even switching up your environment, you’ll get a wealth of content ideas flowing!

And if you want to know the exact kind of content you need to create to fill your calendar with appointments, all without sleazy sales techniques…you need to check out The Listings Lab Method Guide.

Get our exact system for turning social media content into your #1 lead generator.

Download the guide HERE. 

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