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Why You Aren’t Hitting Your Real Estate Goals: Avoid These 5 Mistakes

Picture of Jess Lenouvel Sitting Smiling at the Camera | Real Estate Goals | The Listings Lab

Do you feel like you try to set real estate goals, but you rarely see them through? If you’re tired of feeling like goal-setting is a fruitless exercise, I wrote this post for you.

I constantly see agents sabotage their goal-setting efforts by making these common mistakes. Without proper goals, you’ll drift through your days reactionarily instead of intentionally. Your motivation will fizzle and your business will plateau.

In this post, I’ll dive into the 6 biggest goal-setting mistakes I see agents make along with tips to course correct. Remember, goals shouldn’t just be something you write in your planner only to never see the light of day. I want you to turn them into reality.

Ready to find out where you might be going wrong with your real estate goals? Let’s go!

Mistake 1: Setting Too Many Goals

It’s incredibly tempting to create an extensive laundry list of everything you want to accomplish in the coming months. It’s easy to get caught up thinking about all of the possibilities.

But here’s the thing…

Setting too many goals spreads your focus too thin. Suddenly you’re working towards 20 different things – and mastering none. If you make everything important, then nothing is important.

Instead, identify your 3-5 biggest priorities so you can keep your efforts focused. Resist the urge to overload your plate. Less is more when it comes to making your real estate goals happen!

Mistake 2: No Defined Timelines

Without a defined deadline for achieving your goals, they can easily become open-ended and lose urgency, leading to procrastination. Or even worse – abandonment altogether.

Any goals you set must have a clearly defined timeline. 

Vague timelines like “I’ll work towards this over the next year” just won’t cut it. 

Pretty soon, the year ends and you realize you’ve made no progress toward the goal you deemed so important just months prior.

Instead, get ultra-specific with when you want to achieve your goal. Set specific dates for when the goals are due. 

Your deadlines should stretch you a little bit and create a sense of urgency. Don’t allow goals to linger indefinitely. A deadline lights a fire!

Mistake 3: Lacking Accountability

Every goal needs an owner. 

If you are a real estate team leader, you need to make it clear WHO on your team is responsible for making the goal happen. 

This creates personal accountability. It’s possible that you might also be the owner of the goal – if this is the case, still write it down.

Deadline: [Your Deadline Here]

Owner: [Your Name Here, CEO]

Everybody on your team, including yourself, should have clear objectives they’re working towards. This way, you can easily review your progress on your goals in weekly meetings. 

Create a team culture where everyone keeps the team accountable for their goals! 

Mistake 4: Unrealistic Targets

In my experience, it’s incredibly easy to set overly ambitious, lofty goals.

This is the biggest trap people fall into. Be deeply honest with yourself about what is feasible given your business’s stage. 

This is not to discourage you from dreaming big. But if you’re at $50k/year, work on hitting the 6-figure mark before trying to leap to seven. 

Trying to leap after targets that are too far off is only going to burn you out. Take it one step at a time, get some wins under your belt, and then get ready for the next level.

This is what will keep your goal-setting sustainable. 

Mistake 5: Lacking a Clear “Why”

I’ve learned this lesson the hard way.

A desire for money alone will not get you out of bed every morning to work on your business.

Your goal can’t JUST be about a revenue milestone. It needs to hold purpose and meaning. How is this specific goal going to get you closer to your ultimate vision?

After all, If you’re not clear about where your ship is going, how do you expect to steer it?

Instead, clearly connect each goal back to your core values and purpose. Let your “why” power you through obstacles. Make sure your big audacious goals aren’t pulled from thin air but instead are tied to what matters most.

I don’t want these goal-setting mistakes to derail your progress.

By taking extra time to work on goal-setting upfront, you’ll be able to make sure your goals aren’t just dreams but tangible, achievable milestones. 

And if you’re looking for a proven roadmap to help you hit your real estate goals, apply to join us in The Listings Lab. 

You’ll get the step-by-step, proven strategies and systems you need to dominate your marketplace in 90 days.

Apply HERE to book a call with our team and see if the program is right for you. 

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