Real Estate Branding Strategy: Harnessing the Power of Brand Archetypes for Growth

Uplevel Your Real Estate Branding Strategy With These 12 Archetypes

Real Estate Branding Strategy: Harnessing the Power of Brand Archetypes for Growth

If you want to build a powerful, memorable, 7-figure business…you need this real estate branding strategy.

I’m talking about Brand Archetypes.

You can think of a brand archetype as a persona for your business.

These brand archetypes I’m about to share are based on the 12 personality archetypes developed by Carl Jung in the 1940s. 

The archetypes resonate with us on a fundamental level, making them easy to recognize and understand. 

Choosing a brand archetype and embodying it in your marketing can help magnetize clients, who will be drawn to the way you carry yourself and conduct business. 

By understanding your brand archetype, you can leverage it to create a consistent and trustworthy real estate branding strategy that sets you apart your real estate market.

In this post, I’ll cover 12 core brand archetypes:

  • The Caregiver
  • The Creator
  • The Jester
  • The Explorer
  • The Girl or Guy Next Door
  • The Hero
  • The Innocent
  • The Lover
  • The Magician
  • The Outlaw
  • The Ruler
  • The Sage

I’ll also tell you how you can leverage your selected archetype in your online marketing.

So let’s dive in and discover which archetype best suits your unique personality and business approach!

The Caregiver

The Caregiver is focused on service, empathy, generosity, and commitment. They put the focus on their clients’ needs and make them feel considered, safe, and supported in their pursuits. 

If you identify with the caregiver archetype, your clients will be drawn to your gentle, kind, and caring nature, making it an effective real estate branding strategy.

Examples of caregiver brands: Tom’s, Mother Teresa, and the Headspace app. 

The Creator

The Creator brand archetype is all about innovation, uniqueness, and inspiration. 

The focus is on inventiveness and encouraging creativity in those around you.

This archetype may not be as common in the real estate industry since it is not typically known for being a particularly creative field. However, if you are someone who is changing the game and innovating the real estate space, then you may identify as a Creator. 

Examples of Creator Archetype brands: Apple, Steve Jobs, Adobe

The Jester

The Jesterocus is all about being humorous, expressive, and light-hearted.

You’re playful and often considered the life of the party. Your energy is contagious!

The Jester archetype is usually a secondary brand archetype for most people in real estate because it doesn’t necessarily come with a lot of authority.

However, it’s important to remember that being professional is not the only way to connect with clients in this industry. Showing up as your authentic self, even if that means being funny and playful like the Jester, can help establish a human connection that is crucial in this business.

Some of my most successful clients are people who aren’t afraid to be themselves – and don’t necessarily fit the professional mold. They may swear and use eggplant emojis in their content, but they attract people who are like them!

So don’t be afraid to incorporate humor into your personal brand, but make sure it aligns with your overall message and doesn’t overshadow your expertise and value as an agent.

Examples of the Jester Archetype brands: Ellen Degenres, OldSpice, GoDaddy

The Explorer

The Explorer archetype is all about freedom and adventure. 

If you’re someone who loves to blaze new trails and explore the world, this could be a great archetype for you to incorporate into your real estate branding strategy. 

By embodying the explorer, you help your ideal clients find the freedom and fulfillment they’re seeking.

As a real estate business, this probably won’t be your primary archetype.

After all, we can’t have our brand revolve entirely around our adventurous personalities. As agents, we’re entrepreneurs – not influencers!

But it can definitely be a fantastic secondary archetype that you infuse into your content and messaging.

Examples of Explorer brands: Indiana Jones, Patagonia

The Girl Or Guy Next Door 

This archetype is focused on belonging and its attributes are friendly, approachable, and down-to-earth. 

These brands emphasize humility and building a community that is accepting, honest, and vulnerable. 

The Girl Next Door archetype is a huge part of my brand.

As someone who finds joy in building an uplifting community, being relatable and approachable is important to me. 

I even showed up on stage in casual clothes and cried at my own event, The Listing Lab Live, in front of hundreds of people. 

I know I don’t need to conform to the mold of a glamorous, professional speaker. Being authentic and relatable is a big part of what draws my audience to me.

If you also identify as a ‘regular guy or gal’ – this archetype might be the one for you.

Examples of Girl-Next-Door Brands: IKEA, Target, and Trader Joe’s.

The Hero

The Hero archetype is all about mastery and overcoming challenges. 

As a Hero, you’re a warrior and victor who leads by example – and inspires others with your hard work and discipline. 

You thrive on taking risks and showing your clients the rewards that come with them. However, being a Hero is not for everyone, and that’s okay.  

If you’re a gentle and fun-loving person, this archetype might not be the right fit for you. 

Remember, your brand archetype can change over time as you grow and evolve!

Examples of Hero Brands: Nike, Adidas, and Superman

The Innocent 

The Innocent archetype is all about safety, optimism, and simplicity. 

It’s easy to overcomplicate things in real estate, so if keeping things simple sounds like magic to your ears…the Innocent archetype might be for you.

If you’re soft-spoken, gentle, kind, and caring, there’s a good chance you embody the Innocent. 

Colors like baby blue, white, and gray align with this archetype.

And remember, simplicity is key with the Innocent, so don’t try to overfill your bucket with unnecessary services or packages. Keep it straightforward and efficient to provide true value to your clients.

Examples of The Innocent Brand archetype: Dove, Aveeno

The Lover 

The focus of this archetype is intimacy and it’s often associated with passion, soothing vibes, and a dedication to your people.

A Lover brand archetype cherishes pleasure and relationships and desires a world where people appreciate beauty and life. 

Aesthetics are crucial to this brand message. Think deep colors and velvety textures.

Remember, The Lover archetype has nothing to do with sleaziness.

You can think of lovers more as individuals who embody a deep passion for life and their people. 

One of my coaches embodies the Lover archetype, and I have to admit, when I first came across her brand and content, it triggered me a bit.

However, I’m now at a point in my business where I take being triggered as a sign I need to do some inner work – and I usually end up reaching out to the person who’s triggered me. Through working with my coach, I was able to discover that there was something in me that was closed off. 

The Lover is wide open and a source of abundant love to those around them. 

If you have a zest for life and love and believe that fulfilling relationships are the key to a successful life, The Lover Archetype might just be for you!

Examples of The Lover Brand archetype: Chanel, Victoria’s Secret, and Marilyn Monroe

The Magician 

As a brand archetype, the Magician represents transformation. 

The Magician can take on many forms such as a visionary, inventor, or spiritual guide, but the goal remains the same – to transform lives.

For me, the Magician is my primary brand archetype, with the Girl Next Door being my secondary one. 

It took me a while to admit this because I wanted to see myself as more powerful, more in line with the ruler, but at the end of the day, that’s not who I truly am. 

Life transformation is built into who I am, and as a Magician, I believe that anything is possible through the transformational process.

Identifying your brand archetype isn’t a choice – it’s simply who you are. Once you recognize which archetype you embody, own it and run with it. 

Examples of The Lover Brand archetype: Tony Robbins, Disney, and Albert Einstein. 

The Outlaw 

Bold, revolutionary, and unapologetic individuals fall under the outlaw archetype. Outlaws aren’t afraid to do things their way and disrupt the status quo. They overturn what isn’t working and those who stick with them find freedom.

One example is a near and dear friend and client, Ara, who’s gone through our programs and spoken at our events.

Ara At The Listings Lab Retreat | Ara As The Outlaw Brand Archetype

Ara is a true Outlaw who speaks his mind, calls people out, and leads in a direct and disruptive way. 

It takes a lot of courage to show up so confidently for what you believe in, and because of this, Outlaws are relatively rare.

Examples of The Outlaw Brand archetype: Harley Davidson, Logan Paul, Richard Branson

The Ruler 

The Ruler archetype is characterized by power, sophistication, exclusivity, and influence. 

The goal is to build a prosperous and successful community by leading by example. Rulers captivate their audiences who aspire to be part of the inner circle.

Often, Ruler brands use their influence and success to draw others in. An example of someone who embodies this archetype is the influencer Amanda Francis, who flaunts her wealth and luxury as part of her brand while teaching about money mindset and wealth. Her audience is drawn to her magnetic presence – they want what she has. This desire to be closer to her is a huge factor in selling out her coaching programs and products.

Examples of The Ruler Brand archetype: Rolex, Louis-Vuitton, Mercedes-Benz

The Sage

Sages have a passion for knowledge and facts, and a desire to understand the world at a deep level. These individuals are experts and thinkers who use their insights to make an impact and share their knowledge with others.

If you love to geek out over numbers and charts, there’s a good chance you may identify with the Sage archetype. 

Examples of The Sage Brand archetype: Yoda, Gandalf, and Google.

How To Leverage Your Brand Archetype 

Once you’ve chosen your brand archetype, it’s important to infuse it into every aspect of your real estate branding strategy.

Your graphics, your written content, your ads…everything!

It also helps act as a filter for how you’ll show up in your business.

For example, I know that as the Girl Next Door, I’m not going to show up to speaking events in a power suit. That’s simply NOT me. 

What this does is help you achieve consistency with your brand. 

When we’re inconsistent with our brand messaging, our ideal clients subtly start to see us unreliable. 

Consistency, on the other hand, breeds trust with your ideal clients.  

And by resonating with your clients on a fundamental level, you can magnetize them towards you and establish a deeper human connection. 

Whether you identify with the Caregiver, Creator, Jester, Explorer, Girl or Guy Next Door, Hero, Innocent, Lover, Magician, Outlaw, Ruler, or Sage archetype, leveraging your archetype in your online marketing can help you infuse your personality and values into everything you do. 

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