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Bye Bye, Bottleneck: How Sharon Went From Solo Agent to 7-Figure Leader

Picture of Jess Lenouvel Smiling on Camera | the Listings Lab

We sat down with Sharon, one of our previous members from our 7-Figure Agent Collective, to talk about the incredible growth she had..

With 25 years of real estate experience under her belt, Sharon was no stranger to the business. But in just six short months of joining our program, she was able to take more time off than in her entire 25-year career.

To me, THAT is a win. Because it’s not just about hitting 7 figures, it’s about hitting 7 figures sustainably. 

I love hearing success stories that break the common myth that growth = sacrifice.

Sharon is living proof that you can build a business that supports you in living your best life. 

So what shifted for Sharon that allowed her to 2x her best year ever while working way less?

Let’s take a look at some of her biggest lessons and takeaways from our mentorship programs. 

She Harnessed the Power of Automation

Throughout the program, Sharon learned that by spending less time on lower-dollar tasks, she could dedicate more time to high-impact, high-income activities. 💰

In our 7FA program, we take all of our members through an energy audit. Through doing this exercise, Sharon determined over 50% of her time was being wasted on low-level tasks. 

Automating tasks through technology like email sequences and CRMs gave her HOURS of her time back each week. This was time she could then reinvest into more strategic growth initiatives.

She Let Go of the “I’m Irreplaceable” Mindset

Early on, Sharon admits she was resistant to bringing on help because she assumed no one could replace her. But the magic happened when she opened up to support.

Sharon notes, “When you and Coach KaraLee kept telling us that we are our own worst enemies, thinking that no one else is going to be able to replace us and step in…that was a big mindset shift for me”

Once she embraced delegation, her business (and free time!) skyrocketed. 

Sometimes, the BEST thing we can do is get out of our own way. We have to stop being the bottleneck and invest in team members who do it just as good – if not better – than us. 

She Revamped Her Entire Sales Process

Sharon completely overhauled her listing presentation, buyer presentation, and overall sales system based on the strategies we recommend in our 7FA program. 

She started actively bringing in partners like stagers earlier in the process to add more value. By improving her process, relevancy, and authority, Sharon hasn’t lost a single listing appointment since she joined! 

She Leaned Into The Power Of Digital Marketing

One strategy that allowed Sharon to truly skyrocket her business was leveraging the power of digital ads. With some hands-on guidance from the program’s coaches, Sharon set up her first ad campaign.

The results blew her away.

That very first ad generated 72 new leads – and extremely qualified ones at that. From that one ad alone, Sharon secured a million-dollar buyer, a $600k buyer, a $500k buyer, and a $300k buyer. She was able to convert one into a successful sale immediately.

Not only did the ad deliver amazing results, but the leads fed directly into Sharon’s CRM and email sequences for convenient follow-up. This end-to-end automation allowed her to scale her conversations WITHOUT adding more hours to her plate. 

After seeing the incredible ROI, Sharon went from being skeptical and unsure about ads to becoming a complete digital marketing convert.

She Traded Rankings For Relationships 

Sharon decided to step away from company rankings and focus purely on client care instead. She was shocked that by removing herself from rankings, MORE business actually flowed in.

Here’s the thing…👇🏼

As agents, we often think showcasing our rankings and awards will increase our authority and get us more clients.

But often, what actually happens, is that the more we brag about our sales numbers – the less approachable we seem to the people we’re trying to serve.

They may even falsely assume we’re too busy for them! 

So instead, Sharon shifted her focus from rankings to relationships. Her social media became centered not around deals and dollars, but nurturing her community.

The result? More conversations and clients from social media.

By showcasing her authentic self without all the bragging, Sharon became relatable. Her audience responded, engaging even more and feeling comfortable contacting her about their needs.

The takeaway?

Drop the focus on the numbers, deals, and rankings. Put your clients first, and always ask yourself: will this piece of content serve THEM?

I love Sharon’s story because it shows just how much can change when you’re open to it.

So many agents who have 25 or 30 years of experience will silently struggle. They don’t want to admit they may need help or to try another strategy, because it might feel like a bruise to the ego.

Not Sharon. 

By optimizing her time, building an effective team, leveraging social media, and staying client-focused, Sharon took her business from stagnant to seven figures.

Sharon didn’t just enroll in our program, she truly took ownership of her success and used ALL of the resources at her disposal. 

If you feel stuck or burnt out in your real estate business, Sharon’s transformation proves that a better way exists. You can build an empire centered around service—one that runs itself—by following a proven framework.

At The Listings Lab, we provide that step-by-step framework for dominating your market with digital marketing strategies. If you’re ready to 10x your growth, apply to speak with our team today.

We’ll evaluate if one of our coaching programs is the right fit for you. From optimizing your social media presence to systematizing your operations, we’ll set you up with the marketing, mindset, and operations foundations to accelerate your growth. 

➡️ Appy Here To Hit Your First 7-Figure Year 

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